Watermelon is a juicy snack to quench our thirst and cool off in the summertime as the sun beats down and temperatures soar. But what about our furry friends? Can dogs eat watermelon?
Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. But first, let’s explore the benefits and potential risks of feeding watermelon to dogs, so you can safely share this summer treat with your four-legged friend.
Is Watermelon Good For Dogs? If So, Why?
Watermelon is a hydrating and low-calorie fruit that’s packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s composed of over 90% water, making it an excellent choice for staying hydrated. Additionally, watermelon is a good source of vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as dietary fiber. These nutrients can provide some health benefits for dogs when consumed in moderation.
Benefits of Giving Watermelon to Dogs
- Hydration: Due to its high water content, watermelon can help keep your dog hydrated, especially on hot days.
- Vitamins and Antioxidants: Watermelon contains essential vitamins and antioxidants that can contribute to your dog’s overall health. Vitamin C, in particular, supports the immune system.
- Low in Calories: Watermelon is a low-calorie treat, making it a better choice than many high-calorie dog snacks.
- Fiber: The dietary fiber in watermelon can aid in digestion and help prevent constipation.
Are Watermelon Seeds Bad for Dogs?
Watermelon seeds, when ingested in small quantities, are not typically harmful to dogs. However, it’s good to be cautious with seeds, especially if your dog consumes a large number of them. Excessive seed ingestion can lead to intestinal blockages, which are serious and require veterinary attention.
Remove all seeds before offering watermelon to your dog or feed them seedless watermelons.
Are Watermelon Rinds Bad for Dogs?
Yes, watermelon rinds can be bad for dogs. The rind is tough, and fibrous, and can be difficult for dogs to digest. Ingesting watermelon rind can lead to gastrointestinal upset, including stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or even intestinal blockages in severe cases.
Always remove the rind before sharing watermelon with your dog. Stick to the juicy, fleshy part of the fruit.

How Much Watermelon Can Dogs Eat?
Like any other food, such as strawberries or bananas, dogs can eat watermelon as an occasional treat. How much depends on your dog’s size: For smaller breeds a few small cubes are enough. Larger dog breeds can be fed a few slices. Watermelon should be a supplement to your dog’s regular diet, not a primary source of nutrition.
What To Consider When Giving Watermelon To Your Dog
- Remove seeds and rind: Thoroughly remove all seeds and the tough rind before offering watermelon to your dog.
- Cut into small, bite-sized pieces: Cut the watermelon into small, manageable pieces or slices.
- Introduce gradually: Start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts.
- Monitor for side effects: Monitor your dog after giving them watermelon to ensure they tolerate it well. If you notice any adverse reactions, stop feeding your dog watermelon and consult your veterinarian.
How to Feed Your Dog Watermelon
Here are some serving ideas that can make watermelon appealing to your pup:
- Fresh Cubes or Slices: The simplest way to serve watermelon to your dog is by cutting it into bite-sized cubes or slices. They’re easy for your dog to handle and chew.
- Frozen Watermelon Treats: Freeze small watermelon cubes for a refreshing and icy summer treat. Your dog will appreciate the coolness on a hot day.
- Watermelon Popsicles: Create watermelon popsicles by blending watermelon chunks and freezing the mixture in ice cube trays or silicone molds. These can be a fun and hydrating snack.
- Watermelon Balls: Use a melon baller to create small, round watermelon portions.
Is Watermelon Safe For Dogs?
Yes, dogs can safely enjoy watermelon as an occasional treat. The hydrating and nutrient-rich qualities of watermelon can benefit your dog. But first, make sure to remove the seeds and rind before serving.