interesting facts about dogs you didn't know Woofaroni
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels

13 Interesting Facts About Dogs That Might Surprise You

Dogs have been man’s best friend for over 12,000 years. And rightfully so! They’re loyal, loving, and protective and make great companions. Dogs are much more than just pets. But as a dog person, I’m guessing you already knew that!

But did you know that during ancient times, dogs were often depicted as noble and loyal animals in various cultures and were revered for their ability to protect and defend their owners? In ancient Egyptian culture, dogs were considered sacred and were often depicted in art and literature as loyal companions to their owners. They were also believed to have spiritual powers and were often buried with their owners in tombs. Anubis, the God of the Dead in ancient Egyptian culture, was believed to be connected to dogs and their role in the afterlife. It was thought that dogs acted as companions and guides to humans in the afterlife, helping them to navigate the realm of the dead.

In ancient Greek culture, dogs were also highly respected and were often used as hunting and guard dogs. They were believed to have the ability to communicate with the gods and were sometimes depicted in Greek mythology as loyal and faithful companions.

Throughout history, dogs have played a vital role in the lives of humans and have been revered for their intelligence, loyalty, and affection. Here are more remarkable facts about dogs that you may not have been aware of:


Fascinating Facts About Dogs You May Not Have Known


1. Dogs can learn over 1,000 words and commands, making them one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. They’re also able to understand and interpret human emotions and can even recognize their owners’ faces on a screen.


2. Dogs can hear sounds at a much higher frequency than humans, allowing them to hear things that we cannot. They can also hear sounds from much further away, making them excellent at detecting potential threats or prey.


3. Some dogs are able to detect diseases and health issues in humans. For example, trained service dogs can detect changes in a person’s blood sugar levels or alert their owner to an impending seizure. During the global pandemic, dogs were even trained to detect the Coronavirus (Covid-19).


4. There are over 360 recognized dog breeds in the world, according to the World Canine Organization (FCI). The number of recognized breeds varies depending on the organization or country though. For instance, the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes only 195 dog breeds.


5. Dogs are known for their loyalty and affection towards their owners, but they’re also capable of forming strong bonds with other animals. There have been cases of dogs adopting and caring for orphaned animals, including kittens, chicks, and even baby deer.


6. Some dogs are able to communicate with humans through sign language. For example, service dogs can be trained to signal their owners if they need to go outside, or if they’re in pain or discomfort.


7. Dogs have a special gland in their paws that releases a scent when they scratch the ground. This helps them mark their territory and communicate with other dogs.


8. Dogs have a unique way of showing their emotions through their facial expressions and body language. They can raise their eyebrows, wag their tails, and tilt their heads to show their feelings.


9. Some dogs are able to predict natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, by detecting changes in atmospheric pressure and other environmental cues.


10. Dogs can dream just like humans, and their brain activity during sleep is similar to that of a human. They may twitch, whine, or even bark in their sleep, which could be a sign that they’re dreaming.


11. The oldest known breed of dog is the Saluki, which dates back to ancient Egypt and was bred for hunting.


12. Dogs have a higher body temperature than humans, with an average temperature ranging from 38 to 38 degress Celsius (101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit).


13. Dogs can see colors, but they see them differently than humans. They’re most sensitive to blue and yellow and have a harder time distinguishing between red and green.


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